Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bangladeh has high cure rates among new smear positive cases

Graphical presentation of Treatment Outcome
among smear positive (SS+ve) case, Cohort 2008.
National Tuberculosis Control Program infroemd that treatment success rate was 91% (cure 89% and complete 2%) and unsual outcome was 9% (failure 1%, died 4%, defualt 2% and transfer out 2%) among smear positive (SS+ve) cases of cohort 2008.

Bangladesh ranks sixth TB burden countries in the world

Graphic presentation of detected cases in 2009
National TB Control Programme (NTP) informed that in 2009, 108894 new smear positive(SS+ve) cases, 3958 Relapse cases, 25136 smear negative (SS -ve) cases and 21865 Extra- Pulmonry TB (EPTB) cases detect in Bangladesh. Case detection rate among new smear positive case was 73.70%.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Congratulations to Dr. Marcos A Espinal

TB STUDY GROUP (TSG) congratulates Dr. Marcos A Espinal for his recent appointment as Director/Manager, Disease Sirveillance, Control and Prevention, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Dr. Marcos led Stop TB Partnership (STB) since September, 2003 as Executive Director, under his active leadership Stop TB Partnership achieved a lot serving the people suffering from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

TSG wish him success and good health in his new responsibilities.

Monday, August 9, 2010

ACSM Guideline Development Meeting

Dr. Ahmed Parvez Zabeen (1st from right), former Divisional Consultant - ACSM, Dhaka Division, National Tuberculosis Control Program, Bangladesh was working as a team member to formulate National Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization Guideline for National Tuberculosis Control Programme, Bangladesh.

Dinner with GFATM Team

Dr. Ahmed Parvez Zabeen (1st from right), Divisional Consultant, ACSM, National Tuberculosis Control Program, Bangladesh and Mr. Manab Basnet (3rd from right), Program Officer, South Asia Cluster, The Global Fund to AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, GFATM were attending a dinner along with other guests.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bangladesh celebrates World TB Day 2010

A Rally conducted on World TB Day, 2010 at Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. MD, PhD Artashes Mirzoyan (4th from left), Fund Portfolio Manager, South and West Asia, GFATM is seen in the picture. Rallies were also conducted at divisional and district levels too.

One of the ACSM materials Bangladesh