Friday, March 23, 2012

Bangladesh will observe World TB Day 2012

World TB Day 2012 slogan in English and Bangle

Every year on the 24th March, people all over the world observe the World TB Day (WTBD) commemorating the discovery of Mycobectarium tuberculosis, which is responsible for Tuberculosis (TB). On this day in 1882 Dr. Robert Koch has discovered the bacteria that causes TB.

One hundred years later in 1982, World Health Organization (WHO) and International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) jointly decided to observe the World TB Day to remember the discovery and to raise awareness among people and all level of health workers about TB.

This year's campaign slogan is Stop TB in my life time.

Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary, Stop TB Partnership Geneva, Switzerland on the occasion of World TB Day 2012 said in her message that today’s children in their life times should expect to see a world where no one gets sick with TB and men and women in their life times should expect a world no one dies from TB. All of us can have different hopes, such as for faster treatment, a quick, cheap, low-tech test that is accessible to all or an effective vaccine.

Dr. Samalee Plianbangchang, Regional Director, World Health Organization South East Asia in his message called for let us unite to stop TB. In his message he also expressed that multistakeholder involvement has contributed to about 25% increase in case-notification and to more than 90% of treatment success rate in the South East Asia region. However, he also mentioned that these achievements can be successfully maintained in long term only through national health systems based on the primary health care (PHC) approach.

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